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Manifesto Signatories 4/21/2014

Lionel Redelinghuys
iCyber Specialists (Pty) Ltd
We are an eLearning company based in South Africa, a country where education that is affordable, accessible and of high standards are in great demand.

It is and have always been our vision that every person should have access to affordable, quality education.

Being an eLearning company it is our mission to see that this gets realised and thus we endorse this manifesto and undertake to keep on improving our material, platforms and methods to the benefit of all human beings for as long as there is a place for eLearning in this world.

Robert Lindsay
Salt Lake Community College
These are sound principles to guide our efforts in eLearning design and development. 
Megan Creegan
Equity Residential
I endorse these principles and support the cause.
Theresa Arndt
WorkSource Oregon
I agree with the Manifesto.  Our learning needs to be effective, in alignment with the real world practices and thoughtfully applied.  Curriculum development should be examined to make sure it does what it intends to do and that it helps people meet their goals and objectives in the workplace. 
Juliann Chapman
Dean of Bright Solutions University, TwinStar
AWESOME!  I support the Serious eLearning Manifesto and will do my part to live up to the 22 Supporting Principles and pledge to do my best to promote and support Serious eLearning! Thanks for putting this together. I look forward to the future of eLearning!   
Lisa Toenniges
Innovative Learning Group and ISPI
I endorse the eLearning Manifesto!
Andrea Bosshard
Pepgo Ltd
I endorse this eLearning manifesto and support the Initiators and their efforts and I vow to create impactful, performance-focused and engagement driven learning experiences.
Robin Petterd
Sprout Labs
So far eLearning hasn’t delivered on it’s promise to transform learning

The manifesto sets a benchmark for what the design and development of elearning should be.   

Manifesto Signatories 4/17/2014

Philip Ferrone
Black Dog Learning LLC
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and will follow the principles contained within it to refine our design and development practices. Nice work folks!
Bill Hardesty
I agree with the spirit and the intent of the manifesto. It is time to raise the bar and make eLearning effective.
Lori Johnson
I endorse the Serious E-Learning Manifesto.
Peter Bosman
The Competence Group
(The Netherlands)
I endorse this manifesto.
Mike Skocko
Valhalla High School Mac Lab
The Serious eLearning Manifesto will play an integral role in the continued development of Game On, our free, student-coded, open source WordPress plugin. Furthermore, I will promote its tenets via social media, my PLN, and in presentations—cognizant of Richard Bach’s, "You teach best what you most need to learn."
Sara Tarr
4D Metrics, Inc.
The manifesto will be the model for our work with universities and colleges.
Przemek Kedzia
BMSS Sp. z o.o.
The list of principles is great and we will do our best to fully implement all of these. We endorse the eLearning Manifesto
Lieutenant-Commander Peter Ball
Canadian Defence Academy,
Canadian Armed Forces
As a life-long learning professional and a recent member of ISPI I cannot help but endorse this manifesto.  I only hope that we can live up to its promise.

Manifesto Signatories 4/16/2014

David Svet
Mosaic Non-Profit Development
Mosaic Non-Profit Development is fully committed to advancing the field of eLearning for the nonprofit sector. The Serious eLearning Manifesto is in line with our beliefs and efforts to deliver outcomes based learning as a positive learner experience.
Gloria Scott
What an excellent list of principles for developing effective learning solutions in the 21st century – I will try to uphold as many of the tenets as possible as I develop eLearning and encourage my colleagues to do the same!
Taruna Goel
Learning and Development Specialist
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
As I endorse this manifesto, I am reminded of the  following quote by  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough we must do."

J.T. Katavich
I believe that eLearning needs a reboot, these are ideas I have made a constant argument for in even minor roles. Let’s revolutionize this industry.
Christopher Dowden
Office Depot
I gladly support this manifesto and its guiding principles of raising the standards of eLearning.
Mariecel van Jaarsveldt
BIHRD Training & Consulting
We wholeheartedly support and believe in the manifesto.
Onkemetse Dikgole
I would like to endorse
Kodisang Wessie
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Rachel Leigh
I endorse the serious elearning manifesto.  I wish it was started earlier!
Michele Lyall
Research Integrations, Inc.
The Serious eLearning Manifesto is an incredible example of a living document that will certainly raise the bar of eLearning, not only for training development in businesses and organizations but also within the growing community of online schools. I am excited to promote the Serious eLearning Manifesto as the must-read resource for anyone designing, developing, or evaluating eLearning. 

Manifesto Signatories 4/15/2014

Shannon Tipton
Learning Rebels
Learning Rebels has always subscribed to the idea that for the L&D community to move forward and be considered business partners, rather than "trainers" or "widget" creators we must take on a different mindset.  This manifesto supports this important change in the current mindset – that just because we can build the "widget" the first question should always be – should we build the "widget".

Once we do decide to build the "widget", what is key are the remainder of the foundation building blocks laid out here. Let’s stop torturing learners with the uninspired and holding them hostages to computer screens that do nothing to encourage the actual exchange of knowledge.

We all need to try harder, think more deeply, be more creative and walk a mile in the learners shoes.  Let’s do this!

Kim Hannan
Equity Residential
Finally, a public declaration to end terrible eLearning and reclaim the adult learning industry as a viable, valuable, and necessary work.

This manifesto guides our work and advocates for the learner. 

Viren Lall
This is a really good step to raise the bar and deliver value
Ken Andrus
Michigan Blood
I whole-heartedly support the principles of the Serious ELearning Manifesto.
Nuno Cardoso
[In]FormaTIC – eLearning Solutions.
Roy Ackema
Tracoin Opleidingen (Netherlands)
Tracoin Opleidingen supports fully the 21 principles of the Manifesto, and is committed to promote these.

We design and implement already our courses based on the Epprobate quality grid principles.

I am qualified to design and assess our learning solutions based on the methodology to plan, measure and evaluate the impact and ROI of our learning solutions.

Further we are committed to integrate reflective learning principles resulting from the EU research project "MIRROR".

Zoe Epstein
This manifesto hits all of the key problem areas with eLearning today.

Manifesto Signatories 4/11/2014

Christina Conroy
Coralesce ltd
A useful quality benchmark in reviewing the quality of elearning
Chad Thomas
Standard Bank
I support using Learning Technology as an enabler to augment the blended learning journey maps
Bruno Baudry
I endorse this manifesto. Its principles should be common sense. May it create a similar dynamic in the instructional design world as the Agile manifesto did in the PM world.
Michael Breagy
Liberty Mutual Insurance
This manafesto is much needed, timely and well-written, focusing on just those things all eLearning professionals should strive to do (while acknowledging that not all of them can be accomplished all of the time)with each and every course he or she develops. With enough momentum, perhaps we can actually begin to reduce the number of boring and ineffective eLearning courses out there and really improve both learners’ performance and opinion of this medium. Way to go!
Barbara Kowalik
Contract Learning Developer (currently at Telvent)
I have been creating e-learning for 25 years. It is wonderful that I can cheerfully endorse a set of standards that needs to be posted on the wall of every single training department.

Thank you.

Lynne Taylerson
Real Time Education. Limited 
Indeed there is a need for some radical rethinking rather than incremental development if we are to get teachers to be advocates of learning technology and make it inclusive for all learners.
Steve Yudewitz
This manifesto describes eLearning that sticks with the learner long after the event is completed. It recognizes that training effectiveness is measured in terms of what is retained, not in how many people sign up to take it.

Effective eLearning is engaging and meaningful. It connects the content presented to its real world applications. The best of the best eLearning teaches in a way that is efficient for the learner.

People who properly combine learner focus, innovation, and interactivity develop this type of eLearning. They deliver meaningful content using scenario-based storytelling, practice, and feedback. Without these elements, only ordinary outcomes are possible.

Jason Gallo
Equity Residential

I whole heartedly agree to  use this manifesto as my guide to create engaging and impactful learning experiences.

No more boring learning!

Verena Bryan
Thank you for putting to print this essential contrast to elearning as it exists today. We need to move from elearning as a substitution to elearning as a redefinition.
Siobhan Shand
Authentic and respectful learner-focused learning (what a concept!).
Kevin Lohan
Endeavour Interactive
I endorse. I endorse. I endorse.

Manifesto Signatories 4/8/2014

Quinten Klingonsmith
State of Utah
I endorse this manifesto and any other design practices that focus on performance, behavior change, and operational excellence.
Allison Wagda
The Serious eLearning Manifesto is spot on. Online learning can be greatly enhanced by leveraging the interactive power of computers and the ability to customize experiences based on how individuals learn best. We fully support these principles.
DiOngela Olorunju
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
I support the Serious eLearning Manifesto. I’m so excited about the furture of eLearning. Let’s do this!
Isabelle Langeveld
Helder en wijzer
I am all for Serious E-Learning in a blend of attractive and effective online and f-t-f activities
Catherine Higginson
A brilliant initiative which we wholeheartedly support. We will endorse these principles by continuing to offer flexible, innovative eLearning solutions which are combined with ongoing coaching and face-to-face training. We believe in keeping our learners engaged through great content and professional guidance and feedback.
The Bottom-Line Performance and Knowledge Guru teams
Bottom-Line Performance
The entire team at Bottom-Line Performance (including our Knowledge Guru product team) support "the Instigators" and their efforts to make learning performance-focused and engagement driven.

The inclusion of research-based learning methods into training is an essential practice for our industry to embrace.

Lisa Stortz
Allen Interactions
Training is Draining – but Performance is Priceless, so make it matter!  No Boring eLearning…please!  And remember Boring to make it Boring to take – so make the process engaging as well.  Excited to see all the great new work the Manifesto movement is sure to produce.  
Catherine Sellars
These principles are core to the Design eLearn L3 and L4  qualifications in digital learning design.
Doug Kollasch
Wisconsin Department of Administration
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. 

Manifesto Signatories 4/4/2014

Tricia Luke
Omnitracs, LLC
Yes! Let us surf that radical curve to the Serious eLearning shore. We L&D professionals need to embody these principles, not just refer to them, but practice them and live them.
Andrea Stone
Enable Midstream Partners
Boring eLearning that doesn’t impact performance has done a lot of damage. I wholeheartedly endorse the Manifesto and its supporting principles. We will be using these principles in our Learning Organization to better serve our employees. 
Evette Minns
Sr. Instructional Design Consultant
This manifesto aligns with everything we know to be true about effective design.
Gay E. Bruhn, CPT, Ed.D.
International Society for Performance Improvement
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and agree to use its principles to guide my practice. 
Chris Gilbert
Progressive Insurance
I support and endorse the principles and goals described within the eLearning Manifesto.
Nina Hovaert
Many of the standards are so logical. It is a shame that they are not automatically present in every e-learning.
Carrie Strohl
Viddler Inc
Today’s technology options enable powerful, self-guided learning that, when implemented in a thoughtful way, empowers learners. This manifesto is a great guide to remind us to focus instructional materials on the individual learner and their outcomes.
Michael Harris
I endorse the Manifesto.
Michelle Kenoyer
Allen Interactions
Our learners are, and should always be, our most important customers and our most valuable audience.
Chris Bennett, MS
C Bennett & Associates Performance Consultants
I wholeheartedly agree with each point in the Serious ELearning Manifesto, and commit to practicing its elements in the design of all future eLearning interventions.
Joost Elshoff
Any learning intervention, online or offline, should be engaging and relevant for the learner. Technology is not always the answer for improving learning. And when it’s used, it should be used adequately… not for the sake of having the tech available.
Jacco Muller
I endorse the principles detailed in this manifesto. I believe that, when implemented, the principles will lead to improved engagement and performance of all trainees.
Aaron Conway
In developing experiences for elearning or learning at large, this manifesto should comprise the bedrock of any such endeavor if those experiences are to have greater meaning, purpose, and impact.

Manifesto Signatories 4/2/2014

Lisa Robinson
This makes so much sense for so many reasons.  What it boils down to is that ineffective eLearning is a waste of time and other resources for everyone involved.  Let’s do this the right way!
Cheryl Clemons
These are sound principles, which I support and endorse. One of the reasons e-learning hasn’t progressed to regularly uphold these principles is so much of it lives behind the corporate firewall. Overall, e-learning hasn’t had the same level of scrutiny, peer review and competitive pressure to innovate as other web-based disciplines. However, ultimately users are discerning and their increasing expectations of relevant, value-based digital learning experiences will raise standards when organisations and designers stop, consult and listen. The Serious eLearning Manifesto is a good thing.
Cordell Jones
College of American Pathologists
I endorse this manifesto.
Mark Jenkins
Hologic, Inc.
I highly endorse all of the manifesto. I promote it every chance I get. I have found very useful to let people know what page I am on at the start of a project. It has already has changed the ways some people think and has affected the design, development and implementation of learning and performance support solutions. Thank you.
Kimberly Patterson
Visitor Engagement Academy
I fully endorse the standards set by the Serious eLearning Manifesto and will use them as a guide in developing a new type of needed training for the tourism and hospitality industries. 
Jeffery Goldman
The manifesto is a good blue print for ensuring quality e-learning. It has my endorsement.

To ensure its implementation, I believe it requires the commitment of e-learning designers along with the support of course stakeholders and learning & development management. 

Nick Stanziani
Duane Morris LLP
Too often we see organizations create eLearning or post a catalog full of off-the-shelf eLearning modules just to tick the "we have eLearning" checkbox. This neither benefits the organization or the learners.

We owe it to our learners, our organization, and to ourselves as instructors to provide a true learning experience, impart actionable knowledge the benefits both the organization and the learners.

This eLearning Manifesto greatly needed and long overdue.

I know I will do my best to use the principles of the manifesto as a guide and as a ruler against which I will gauge my "serious learning" initiatives.

Susan Fisher
Innovative Learning Group
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. This set of principles can refocus the workplace learning community on creating learning solutions that actually make a difference to workplace performance.
Henry Goldsmith
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
I support Serious eLearning! 
Steve Wages
As a telecommunications training company that provides learning programs, content development and technology educational services to leading organizations, TRA welcomes the opportunity to support the guidelines of the Serious eLearning Manifesto. We have already started the transition of our eLearning towards the principles described within the Serious eLearning Manifesto. 
Corey McElroy
I endorse the eLearning Manifesto and commit to using its principles to the best of my ability whenever creating eLearning
Dennis D Knepper
PA Dept of Transportation
It’s time to get away from eLearning that is nothing more than fancy slides with endless bullet points, where employees are mandated to sit through all of them and take a simple quiz at the end, and then say that training has taken place, all the while wondering why performance remains unchanged. Imagine watching a Hollywood movie that was nothing more than bullet-pointed slides with a slow soundtrack. Yet, that is what most of our WBT’s are. Time to change!
Derek Rohde
HD Supply
I fully endorse the Manifesto and pledge to follow its credo.
Enzo Silva
SuccessFactors, An SAP Company

The Serious eLearning Manifesto’s principles can be summarized in one word: AUTHENTIC.

Authentic and true to the learners’ needs.

Authentic and true to the problem at hand (whether the solution really is training or not).

Authentic to meaningful principles and practices of Instructional Design!

The Serious eLearning Manifesto is to be taken SERIOUSly before, during, and after every serious learning professional’s project!

May the eLearning force be with you!

Michelle Rogers
Learning Consultant
Thank you. I fully endorse the Manifesto for Serious eLearning, its principles and will do my best to uphold them.
Kelly Rider
I believe learning is something we do FOR people not TO them. The manifesto demonstrates my commitment to ensuring our learners thank us for helping them do their jobs better.
Peter Snyder
Center for Distance Education, Northern New Mexico College
I think this is a brilliant expression of an ethic of excellence that I will be sharing with my students.
Dorothy Schirkofsky
Count me IN! 
Xu Zheng
Independent eLearning Consultant
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Karen Heilner
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto
Maribeth Johnson
I agree with the principles of the Elearning Manifesto
Elizabeth Stangl
Micron Technologies
I endorse the manifesto.
Ruth Simmons
TCF Bank
The future of elearning is now. The scientists have done the research, now we effect the change. 
Jan Dietz
As a corporate knowledge manager, I endorse this manifesto.  I recognize the intention to always focus on creating effective training that moves our organizations, participants and the learning industry forward toward greatness.  I pledge to share this manifesto with the trainers throughout our organization to encourage conversation and continuous improvement.
Sylvia Wright
I endorse this manifesto and its principles and as an elearning designer will attempt to implement these in all of my work.
Fareeza Marican
International Medical University
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and the supporting principles.
Inga Ivanovska
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Peter De Wilde
I fully support the Serious eLearning Manifesto.

Its principles will take eLearning to a higher level and make us move to more flexible, personalized learning. 

Adrian Ziller
African eLearning Academy
This is a wonderful step in the right direction.
kalleo people group
This is exactly what the "eLearning space" needs right now!
Erin Patterson
I endorse this manifesto!  As I hone my craft, the manifesto will guide me in creating meaningful elearning for all learners.
Travis Wickesberg
Target Inc.
I endorse this manifesto. 

Manifesto Signatories March 22-31, 2014

Kerron Ramganesh
Independent Training Consultant
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and its vision.
John Newell
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. I have been researching the 2 Sigma Problem set by Bloom in 1984,namely, "Can researchers and teachers devise teaching-learning conditions that will enable the majority of students under group instruction to attain levels of achievement that can at
present be reached only under good tutoring conditions. I have re-framed the problems as "can the perceived relationship between cost and quality be broken and provide and educational ecosystem that that equips students to meet the challenges of the 21st century and to lead flourishing lives’
Krista Luik
Independent Consultant
How could one not endorse these principles?

Thank you to the "Instigators" for putting this out there and to Reuben Tozman for bringing it to my attention. 

Raymond Kung
Learning intervention is not always the right solution, but when it is let’s get serious about it.  Bravo!
I endorese these principles and will do my utmost to uphold them.
David Nielson
NOV IntelliServ
I believe wholly in these principles and commit to strive daily to implement them in the training I produce.
Bradley Pierce
That Learning Guy
As a new Training Specialist/ID’er/Course Developer this manifesto will help me build on my core value of creating engagement driven training. I am excited to build great eLearning courses keeping the manifesto beside me the entire time. Thanks to the creators of this. The world of learning will be a much better place!
Dianne Rees
Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute
I endorse the manifesto!
Chris Karelse
DECX development consultancy & training
I endorse this Manifesto. 
Manish Gupta

I fully endorse the manifesto.

Let’s together deliver the promise that elearning always made! 

Michael Cottam
Portmont College at Mount St. Mary’s
The Serious eLearning Manifesto is a succinct list of what matters in learning. We could all improve our practice by practicing these principles.
Kelly Duran
I fully endorse this manifesto, it’s purpose, principles, and theory. 
Roman Ferrer
Kaplan Higher Education Group
I believe that the principles in the manifesto will guide me to better elearning designs and better learner experiences. I gladly join the elearning community in this effort. 
Ganesh Ubhare
Cirrus E-Learnng
This is really serious manifesto. I like it. I will follow it. I endorse it.
Felicity Pearson
This manifesto reflects my professional values not only regarding eLearning, but also learning and educating in general. The manifesto speaks to respect for the learner – something that should be foundational to any attempt to teach, educate, or train another person.
Tim Brobst
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
I endorse the Manifesto and specifically commit to my focus on targeting improved performance.
Sergey Snegirev
I support the Manifesto. We are already doing our part in moving away from the linear, slide-based information dump. Join the cause!
Garth A. Yorko, T.E.
W. W. Grainger, Inc.
I endorse the Manifesto becuase life is too short to build bad learning.
Shashi Gowda
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
I highly endorse this approach to serious elearning. We cannot move without it.
Mitchell Liswith
this Manifesto is just plain common sense and if followed makes our training product more valuable to the learner!
Tiffany M. Rapplean
Percipient Creations
I wholeheartedly support the Serious eLearning Manifesto and am delighted to see others embracing these common sense — yet very exciting — principles! The Manifesto reaffirms my belief in and passion for learning. 
Manju SN
I endorse this manifesto and  pledge to implement it to the best of my ability. It is high time we create meaningful eLearning and retain the positive regard for elearning solutions.
Kapil Gupta
We need real training solutions which can bring out actual change. Pseudo learning is spoiling the eLearning’s name. I second this manifesto.


Luke Kempski
As a company that provides learning solutions strategy and planning, content development and technology delivery services to leading organizations, JPL is proud to endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. We have already begun to use it to educate clients and extended team members. We encourage widespread support and adoption.
Joel Copeland
KMI Learning
We heartily endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and will continue to do our best in conforming to it.
Jamie Bound
I fully endorse this manifesto.  As a creator of e-learning material for my current employer I promise to make serious e-learning modules that are meaningful to learners by individualizing each experience.  I will make sure that my modules engage the learner, address their needs and prepare them for performance proficiency.  
Joe Dunlap
I endorse the new standards and principles.  
Kevin Wilcoxon
I fully endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and seek to apply its principles in every learning project I undertake.
Kevin Cassel
Red Nucleus
I applaud the Manifesto’s focus on performance; the emphasis on practice, feedback, and meaningful interactivity; and the refreshing reminder to challenge our (and our clients’) assumptions and start with the right questions: What problem are we trying to solve? And what’s the best way to solve it?
Christine Chamberlain
I endorse this message. Thank you for this fantastic educational tool, and commitment to performance-driven eLearning.
Will Hampton
Will Consulting
Here’s hoping we see some elearning examples of manifesto-approved courses. I would rather quit my job than develop another page turner. 
Arthur Bigotti
Bigotti Ideas
Love the focus on what we know to be the source of real eLearning success.
Suzanne Crane
I want to cry most of the time when I take elearning courses that were clearly developed with the ease of design in mind rather than learner needs or objectives, when I don’t get to practice what I’ve learned, or have more than one way to get to the necessary information.  I commit to solving these and other related problems in my own design and development. 
Lori Thompson-Zittnan
Cricket Wireless – AT & T Mobility
I agree with the Serious eLearning Manifesto.  I also commend all organizations that support the design and delivery of this caliber of learning through the provision of adequate resources and executive leadership support.
Bruce Levi
Brand Learning
I personally and professionally fully support the principles and aspirations of the Manifesto & this group. I also believe that these principles largely apply to all learning.I think the first supporting principle is perhaps the most important of all. Do not assume that learning is the answer to improved performance.
Geoff Barrow
Gillespie Associates
This is a long overdue commitment to making eLearning live up to its potential.
Robert Penn
I whole heartedly endorse the manifesto and am committed to following its principles. I will do my best to spread adoption of these principles in my organization, in client organizations and in elearning the community at large.   
Sandra Hanna
Bomgar Software
To create any eLearning requires significant design, development and a deep understanding of your audience. I completely support this eLearning Manifesto and will do my utmost to ensure our eLearning and the non-profit foundations eLearning that I support meet these standards.
Michael Morrison
I endorse the manifesto!
Elena Clark
These are sound principles for all types of learning. 
Erica Inge
I endorse the ideas of the manifesto and will do my best to uphold the principles as I go about my practice.
The Entire Axonify Team
This manifesto outlines where the future of eLearning must go. Any organization that is considering driving true change and improvement with eLearning, should consider using this manifesto to guide strategic decision making.
Robert Hutton
Barnsley College
Great content 100% agree
Diana Logan
I endorse the manifesto, aim to put it into practice, and share its goals with others.
Thandeka Mlala
Puma Energy International
I fully endorse it.
Larry Edelman
University of Colorado
I wholeheartedly endorse the manifesto.
Matt Kurtin
Innovative Learning Group
I believe that following the principles of the Serious eLearning Manifesto will lead to better experiences for learners, and a stronger eLearning industry.
Jay Harless
I find the manifesto helpful in that it provides a common set of expectations for a learning product. In other words, "click-next" ain’t the solution to your problem. This is important for learning professionals, but even more important for our customers and clients. We need to educate them on our professional standards. If we are going to create a learning product (last resort if no other intervention will solve the problem) that learning product better be meaningful.

I almost see this as an ethical standard – that’s probably too strong of a statement – but how much damage are we doing when we participate in creating "click-next" CBTs? I think it’s up to us as learning professionals to hold the line. I know we are often pushed to get something up, but we need to at least be willing to let our customers and clients know that what they are asking is not in accordance with industry standards. And, for those of us in leadership positions (I’m pointing at myself) we need to have the courage to push back. 

Colin Simpson
Canberra Institute of Technology
I support the ideas of the Serious eLearning Manifesto and will share them with my colleagues. 
Martin Brown
Learning Makers Pty Ltd
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. I pledge to influence, encourage and convince our clients to shift their expectations from the "typical"  to the "serious".
Myrene Magabo
University of Phoenix
The most valuable aspect of the manifesto as far as I am concerned is the relevance, the timeliness, and effectiveness of e-learning materials. If we must enable learning, we must provide tools and technology that enable learners to learn if the most relevant, less time consuming, and effective way!
April Haynes
Altria Client Services, Inc.
I heartily, and with great joy, endorse all of the manifesto. 

Manifesto Signatories 3/21/2014

Linda M Davis
Davis eLearning Solutions, Inc.
In trying to excel at my eLearning career, I have followed Richey et al’s "The Standards" (2001) and ibstpi’s various competencies as they applied to various projects. I have had to focus my formal education on instructional design because (in my experience) it is rarely taken into consideration for corporate eLearning efforts. After all, isn’t eLearning simply converting SME-developed classroom training to an online format verbatim? Ha! I am thrilled that The Serious eLearning Manifesto takes our profession (and the text-to-next conundrum) to a new level! It says we no longer focus purely on what we must do to produce/deliver eLearning for a client, but what we must also do enrich the learner’s outcome(s). That the manifesto is based on research, as well as an overall sense of what is currently lacking in the industry, has me enthusiastically embracing this new approach to my work. Until now, we were either a courseware developer or an instructional designer. The concepts in the manifesto bring these disciplines closer together and in a manner that can be compellingly presented to corporate leadership. Thank you for articulating the things we have known needed a fresh perspective!
Stephanie Daul
WW Grainger
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.  I will use these principles in the design of learning solutions because learner deserve the best. 
Ken Moir
Reed Smith LLP
*Thank you* for this concise and compelling statement of what’s wrong with so much eLearning today, and for spelling out the concrete steps we can all take to salvage a promising talent-cultivation channel from neglect and ignominy.  Much appreciated!
Izabela Mieszkowska
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Paul Robbins
US Coast Guard Training Center Petaluma
As a private individual, I endorse the principles of the manifesto to support "serious e-learning.
Larry Raynor
I fully endorse this Manifesto.  I believe it applies equally to all learning design
Monze Ontiveros
PwC Mexico
I promise to keep the manifesto values in my mind when I develop e-learning, or any kind of learning. And to always keep the student in first place.
Javier Cuitlahuac
PwC Mexico
improve the proposal and will improve the learning objectives
Cassandra Comer
I fully endorse and am committed to the tenets advocated in the eLearning Manifesto.Performance-centered learning experiences should be the benchmark not the outlier in instructional development.  
John Scuras
The Forum Corporation
This is a great list of key attributes of productive and efficient e-Learning.  These ideas, assembled in one locatin, helped me to focus on the key areas that will drive the high value and sustainable change using e-Learning.  thank you Serious eLearning team!
Judy Powills
Society of Actuaries
I wholeheartedly support the Manifesto and the supporting principles.  I am impressed with the commitment and passion expressed by Clark, Julie, Michael and Will.  I look forward to this adventure to keep us fresh and to go beyond just doing what we do well better.  
Robert Addis
University of Arkansas
I am a first year instructor for HRD programming and ID/Technology. The strongest piece of this for me is design process vs. design principles. It is what I subscribe to and want to teach my students. I want them to be able to fill in a process allowing adaptability to one’s project or work environment, but still deliver a constant solution. Also, I think the principles are useful beyond eLearning.

Thank you for putting into a framework for me to delivery to my very eager students.

Martha Pings
Using tech for people-humans, not people-robots.
Stefan Holhut
I’d like to sign, cause I really like to force workrelated learning with a focus on value not on getting a certificate. Action Learning is my approach to realize this.
Ray Jimenez
Vignettes Learning
The Manifesto is a call to action, a challenge and an inspiration for many of us to wake-up and focus our energies in influencing in our own small or big ways to create learner focused elearning. Thanks to the leaders and pioneers. This is a bold and significant step. 
