Monthly Archives: August 2014

Manifesto Signatories 8/29/2014

Jane Maduke
Larch Learning Solutions Inc.
I commit to diagnosing root causes, respecting learners, iterating my design and development, using interactivity to prompt deep engagement and measuring actual performance results.
Matthieu Esteve
I endorse the eLearning Manifesto as this is to me a very complete and valuable set of guidelines for crafting high quality eLearning and a great tool to explain what our job is all about.
Christine Bosworth
The eLearning Manifesto respects the learner; its supporting principles provide us with measurable and sustainable goals that serve to underpin our instructional design and facilitation activities.
Nils Carlberg
Triglyf AB and member of the Swedish learning awards head jury
The manifesto is highly appreciated and I fully support it in my daily work with eLearning for professionals. I have two main areas that I personally would like to add to the manifesto: -Link eLearning to Sustainability and innovation. -Always try to make eLearning fun and engaging without loosing the respect for the learner.

Manifesto Signatories 8/27/2014

Emily O. Egerton, PhD
Duke University School of Nursing
I wholeheartedly endorse the Serious E-Learning Manifesto
Will Tucker
I endorse this eLearning Manifesto and will use it to guide the creation and delivery of eLearning.

Manifesto Signatories 8/25/2014

Kaylene Harrison
Independent Training Consultant
I wholeheartedly support and endorse the manifesto; I just hope that others outside the L&D world will see it and buy into it.
Larry Lynch
IU Health Multimedia Group
I urge anyone developing eLearning to read the principles and try to implement them in their everyday work to make training and performance successful.
Robert Becker
Becker Multimedia, Inc.
The manifesto describes problems that have pervaded and dominated the online learning industry for decades.
Will Constantine
As someone who is newer to the eLearning industry as core focus, I read much research that outlines the same implications for eLearning. I am lucky to not have benchmarked myself on the old principles "click to next". I intend to fully apply the Manifesto to the work that I do. I am excited for the change that we are going to make on the profession of L&D and more importantly performance. This should also be talked about openly and engage people in conversations that encourage designers to apply the Manifesto and also, eventually make it even more meaningful. I look forward to having these conversations at conferences and throughout my interactions with the learning community.
Jeff Andersen
Mars Hill University
I endorse this eLearning Manifesto and will use it to guide my learning and the creation and delivery of eLearning environments.
Aaron King
Education Think Box
Not only is this revolutionary, it is also a refreshing and innovative ideology of elearning.
Jennifer Cross
The pursuit of the ideals set forth in the Serious eLearning Manifesto are what lead me to be an instructional designer and trainer. Anyone who seriously cares about the people he or she is training should sign this.
Barry Kayton
Cognician Inc
As co-founder of Cognician I fully endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. Bravo for codifying these principles!
Maria Schutt
Who would not endorse the manifesto? Learners are running away from elearning and stakeholders are losing faith in our ability to produce meaningful learning experiences outside the traditional classroom setting… elearning needs to be redefined, designers need to re-learn how to design for elearning, and faith in elearning capabilities can be restored.
Natalie Wieland
CPD Interactive
eLearning can be a genuine and exciting learning experience, but it is important it is suitable and done well. Further it provides access to education without prejudice or discrimination. The manifesto helps ensure only high quality eLearning becomes the standard.

Manifesto Signatories 8/19/2014

Rod Ward
Infosemantics Pty Ltd
As a professional e-learning designer and developer I have long wanted to see this kind of improvement in the quality of online instructional materials. The eLearning Manifesto provides an excellent checklist of core principles against which any designer or developer can compare his or her own work. I sincerely hope this movement gains momentum and convincingly conquers the world of online learning.
Aleksandra Radulovic
I support and endorse the Serious eLearning Manifiesto.

Manifesto Signatories 8/14/2014

Suzanne Balch
The Occasions Group
I endorse the Manifesto and will diligently pursue the best learning designs to create the best learning outcomes for the center of my Universe – my Learners.
Ravindra Pal Singh
Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd.
Hi, I’m eLearning designer and developer in Renaissance( Thank you ALL! For this Innovative dream of eLearning Manifesto. Points you have focused in both "Typical eLearning" and "Serious eLearning" covered whole eLearning like a mother. I’m fantasised that all I have to say.
Frank Carbullido
I-ERAI Consulting
I fully endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and hope that it can continuously improve and evolve to reflect the highest standards in this dynamically changing field.
Martha A Gery
MGS Consulting
This manifesto will help both designer and the end customer establish expectations of an e-Learning course. Standards will create a foundation for all e-Learning and therefore finally unify the communication, expectations and delivery.

Manifesto Signatories 8/13/2014

Antonio Delgado
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifiesto because eLearning technologies are for link to synaptic, social and artificial networks of knowledge. Not to give classes.
Ryan Parish
Inception Labs
It’s about time that we take eLearning and flip it on its head– providing our learners with real, interesting courses that help them change their behavior, not just feed them information. Me, and the rest of Inception Labs embrace and endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto!
John Ambrose Kaiom
University of Papua New Guinea
I am in support of Serious eLearning therefore would like to endorse this proposed standard for our learners. Yours in eLearning, J.Ambrose
David Swaddle
I love the idea of pushing eLearning in the right direction. This manifesto and the principles it presents are a great nudge in the right direction. IMHO there’s little point to training unless it changes behaviour – whether it’s eLearning, blended or traditional. Much of the manifesto can apply to any training or teaching, not just eLearning.
Ghada AbdulSamad
Nahdet Misr publishing group
I support and endorse the manifesto. It’s time to have principles and guidance for better elearning outputs.
Michael Osborne
Red F Design
The Serious eLearning Manifesto is a fantastic document that should be followed by everyone creating eLearning!
Mike Osborne
We need to get the eLearning industry back on track. By following these principles, you can!
Alex Pritchard
Just buying into software for elearning doesn’t result in quality elearning alone. Applying the principles of a linear approach to PowerPoint doesn’t scratch the surface of what elearning can do (Heavy dull content slide after slide). I agree with the manifesto and totally back it!
David Germain
The principles outlined in the manifesto are central to our craft, and obligatory for each of us as professionals working to empower others to develop their talent and improve their performance. I hope that this manifesto will inspire and challenge us all to do more.

Manifesto Signatories 8/12/2014

Kathleen M. Kielar, Ph.D.
University at Buffalo
I heartily endorse and support the principles of the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Will Holland
Expand Interactive
We at Expand Interactive fully endorse and support the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Jennifer Valley
I endorse the manifesto because it promoted proactive learning that truly meets the needs of the future.
Frank Glover
I endorse the manifesto, its principles, and its goals.
Steven Hancock
I endorse and support the serious eLearning Manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 8/11/2014

Parker Donat
eLearning Brothers
ELearning developers and innovators need to take a personal gut check. What can we do better with what we have? How can we raise the standard of eLearning for the industry? These are the types of questions we should be asking ourselves and then creating discussions with all our L&D communities. We should be having these gut checks. We should be having these discussions. And we should be improving the standard across the board. That’s why I think the Serious eLearning Manifesto is a timely and needed. We all can do a little better. We can all team up to share and spread the word. Good eLearning karma for everyone who signs and shares this! Happy eLearning everyone!
Charlene Lawrence
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Edith Logue
VMware, Inc.
This manifesto aligns with all of the learning principles that I have studied and used in my work for years. I will look for ways to strengthen and align the usage of these principles within my course development team here at VMware.
Anuj Kulkarni
I endorse my support for Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Paul Ladley
The manifesto is just what the industry needs after a decade of cost cutting and deskilling driving the agenda for e-learning. We need to start from the needs of learners and create learning that truly makes use of the medium. Only then will e-learning generate the results that it promises.
Manuel Goncalves
I support any step forward to improve eLearning quality and signing this manifesto is certainly one. Thanks.
Jaime Chaves
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Eleonora Maryanova – Elika
Elika’s e-school
We endorse the principles of the Serious eLearning Manifesto.They are the base of Elika’s eSchool for Lifelong learning, established in March 2007.
Susan Hillebrandt
Money Management International
I completely endorse the elearning manifesto, its principles, and its goals.
Francisco Gómez
The Ken Blanchard Companies
I truly support the principles in the Serious eLearning Manifesto and commit myself to them in all my learning projects.
Betty Stephens
eLearning Write Quest Media
Committed to quality in the development and presentation of knowledge and skills to learners.
Celeste Jackson
Solid points that every Instructional Designer or Training Professional should always follow.
Rickie G. Harris
I endorse the Manifesto, eLearning has to reflect what is real in the learning environment to have meaningful learning take place.
Mark Grant
Independent Content Developer
Through continuous assessment of learner performance, the elearning experience can optimize use of the learner’s time, individualize the experience for full engagement, address needs, optimize practice, and prepare for transfer of learning to performance proficiency.
Prof Pawan Gupta
SoftTeh Engineers Pvt. Ltd
eLearning is panacea to PROBLEMS of Unified Learning of concepts in Tehnical & Voational Education.
Elizabeth McMahon
I support the premises and principles outlined in the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Jan G Neal
Embry – Riddle Aeronautical University
Full endorsement!
Olivier alfieri
alfieri & co
For Thinking deeper and beter. To promote tjr critical and design thinking To involve students and teachers with a emotional pedagogy to act and be actors of their own learning.
Babs Iwarere
Earlyon Technologies Ltd
I support and endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and its supporting principles.
Betty Stephens
Write Quest Media
I Support Serious Learning: High standards for design and development of elearning. Serious learning Contributs o the learning body of knowledge.
Santhosh Kumar
We (at Learnnovators) are committed to respect, follow, and promote ‘good’ learning. We endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto, and agree with and support all the principles it contains, as it aligns perfectly with our philosophy towards e-learning. We believe that it is a great attempt to raise the quality of e-learning. However, we (too) are of the opinion that this initiative shouldn’t be limited to only e-learning, but should encompass all forms of  ‘learning’.
Shalini Amin Sheth
It’s time we showed the world that good e-learning works! I make sure my work is a step in that direction always. I also believe this Manifesto is a step in the right direction as well.
Tomasz Jankowski
Schools of Banking /
Mandatory. The quality truck loaded with standards hits the elearning industry.
Dennis Hammers
Graduate Student
Instructional Design and Technology
Emporia State University
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Saugata Sarkar
I support this movement that will take learning as close to the job as possible and spare learners from boredom.
Dirk Janssen
Enables everybody to live e-Learning with passion.
Nichole De La Cruz
I fully support the eLearning Manifesto and believe the guiding principles are key in successful implementation of a quality training product.
Ryan McInnes
SHRC Limited
I support the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Leonia Houston
University of Memphis
I would like to see elearning enhanced to include engagement and active learning practices.
Melissa Daniel
Global Knowledge
I endorse these ideals and will strive to improve my work to meet them. My goal is to positively impact the performance of Global Knowledge students.
Mary Eldredge
Virginia Dept. of Social Services
I aspire to and will strive to achieve the principles in the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Luis Picazo
ECV Consulting
for better e-learning contents, tutors, platforms.
Yolanda Purdy

I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 8/8/2014

Shawn McCreight
ThinkForce Training Inc.
We fully support the principles of the Serious eLearning Manifesto. It is how all learning and performance strategies should be approached.
Jan Clark
Central California Alliance for Health
Yes, I endorse these goals!

Manifesto Signatories 8/7/2014

Greg Willmarth
Milestone Systems
I fully support Serious eLearning and its supporting principles.
Chere Chete
VMware, Inc.
I believe these should be the standards of the industry and I pledge to follow them to the best of my ability.
Sandy Tranfaglia
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Mary T. Reina
Liberty University
I believe this in this Manifesto and want to support it to the fullest. I confess in the past that I have been guilty in less than eLearning design and development. From this day forth, I will strive to raise the bar using the principles found in this Serious eLearning Manifesto!!
Cindy McCabe
At Sweetrush, we are advocates for eLearning designed to produce measurable performance outcomes. We endorse the principles of the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
