You could take the e out of eLearning and the Manifesto would still be valid. All training should look like this regardless of delivery platform. And I know that this is what most eLearning professionals have always been thinking. Now at least we can articulate it (BTW, well done there) which helps us convince our stakeholders and bosses that this is the right way to do it. Brava. | |
The proliferation of technology sometimes takes the professionalism out of what is created with it. This manifesto helps to put some of it back into learning products! | |
I am committed to the development of eLearning experiences that are tied to changes in performance. | |
I endorse the Manifesto and and will apply the "Supporting Principles" to my work. | |
I endorse the principles of this manifesto. | |
I fully support and endorse this manifesto | |
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. | |
The Manifesto draws upon what is best in the training-teaching learning world–it’s learner-centric, results-based, flexible, and direct–and serves as a wonderful reminder of what I value in my own day-to-day work with learners and learning. Glad to offer enthusiastic support. | |
Doing right things doesn’t is easy nor popular. But somebody must do they. | |
I wholeheartedly support the Manifesto. In recent years public education, long held back by policy, has overtaken corporate education as the center of innovative thinking. It is time for corporations to raise our game, to abandon business as usual, and to radically rethink the purpose, design, delivery and measurement of education. | |
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way…" Charles Dickens in "A Tale of Two Cities". He could have written it for the state of E-Learning now! We are richer with technology and instructional capabilities and we are yet to fully experience the spectrum (& depth) of the potential that E-Learning offers! This manifesto provides yet another opportunity to honestly reflect on the current and to draw up the map of a future that is both productive and fulfilling. And more importantly, helping stay the course, towards creating that future. I endorse the manifesto and look forward to talking to colleagues, partners and learners about the manifesto and its tenets. |
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. | |
This is an important and thoughtful document that will help eLearning practitioners benchmark performance to develop meaningful and significant learning experiences. | |
This is a valuable initiative, the principles are sound and widely ignored. | |
I endorse the tenets of this manifesto whole heartedly and agree to do my very best to apply them when developing e-learning. | |
Serious eLearning can make an impact; let’s stick to our principles and design for real learning! | |
I fully support this and will promote this to spread the word!
I will strive to use this as a compass towards future eLearning design & development. |