Monthly Archives: September 2014

Manifesto Signatories 9/24/2014

David Brill
I believe these principles should guide our actions in all types of learning approaches regardless of delivery method.
Seve Izquierdo Gutiérrez
Delegación de Juventud Ayuntamiento de Rota
I show my support of the Serious eLearning Manifesto
Mark Fenna-Roberts
ITC Learning Australasia (Digital Learning Solutions)
Who pays the piper calls the tune. We understand this manifesto. The trick is to have them understand it too.
David Hegarty
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. I see it as a way for us to demonstrate our relevance.
Helen Graves
Independent e-Learning Passionista
I believe humans are hard-wired to learn (watch any infant or toddler) – learning can and should be fun, engaging and relevant. I intend to use the Manifesto and its principles to guide my growth as an elearning designer/developer in creating effective learning experiences.
Becky Ann Peters
I completely support the Serious eLearning Manifesto. These ideologies should be used as the standard for all learning design.
Gordon Graham
Abu Dhabi Poluyechnic – Aviation
I fully support, believe in, and endorse the ideas and perspectives in the Serious eLearning Manifesto. Gordon Graham
Lisa Menke
York College (NE)
Yes! Just yes! I wholeheartedly endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and all its principles. Time to bend the curve and bring this back to where it belongs.

Manifesto Signatories 9/18/2014

Elizabeth Tipton
Eastern Washington University
This should be the "Serious Learning" Manifesto. These points apply beyond just this methodology!
Lauren A. S. Hirsh
I wholeheartedly endorse this manifesto, its principles and its goals. Death to crappy eLearning; long live high-quality, high-impact design!

Manifesto Signatories 9/16/2014

Janan Denis
Great Principles, I will endorse this eLearning Manifesto and will use it to guide the creation and delivery of eLearning.
Keesa Johnson Muhammad
Michigan State University
IT services
Learning Design and Technology
I am so amazed and excited that there are elearning professionals that are guiding the light to create a true movement in the world that allows for authentic elearning. We have yet to tape in the beauty of what the web can do! This manifesto is supreme in its thought in establishing a value centered way to view design within elearning. I support and endorse this work 100%. I would love to contribute to the building of this manifesto as I live and create based upon many of the principles listed. We’re missing some my friends!! Allow me to add a few to make 25. 🙂

Manifesto Signatories 9/15/2014

Sae Schatz, Ph.D.
The eLearning Manifesto is succinct, well written, and on-target. These principles apply across the board, not just to eLearning or instructional technologies, but to education and training in general.
Jeep Fortuna
From our earliest ancestors, we learn to survive. Learning should always have positive outcomes that by necessity involves change, whether behavioral, skill based or foundational awareness. The Manifesto is that road map for success.
Cyril Anderson
Flight Safety International
A succinct statement of some key principles to live by in eLearning design, and instructional design in general.

Manifesto Signatories 9/11/2014

Dean Reed
I reviewed the Manifesto and thought it was fantastic. It covered many of the things I’ve learned from neurology to pedagogy to instructional design. It’s very comprehensive, well-rounded, and we need more of this out there in our communities. Love it!
Roy Stripling, UCLA
These are excellent principles for any learning activity. Sadly, too many e-learning instances fail to live up to them.

Manifesto Signatories 9/10/2014

María Eugenia de la Cruz Palacios
Nube Didáctica
Con mucho gusto, pero sobre todo con mucha responsabilidad, me adhiero al Serios eLearning Manifesto. Me comprometo a ofrecer experiencias positivas de aprendizaje. Considero que es necesario por parte del sector e-Learning una gran reflexión sobre ¿cuál es el propósito de la Tecnología Educativa? ¿Cómo saber si el desarrollo de esta Tecnología trabaja para mejorar el aprendizaje, y cómo y con qué se mide y se evalúa ésto? Espero poder seguir aprendiendo y compartiendo Conocimiento con todos los profesionales del e-Learning.
Seth Dickens
I am proud of my choice of career and I enjoy taking a professional approach every single day to creating courses which stimulate and engage my learners. Through this engagement I will work hard to guarantee that my courses effectively identify, teach and assess my clients’ *real* training needs. In addition: My e-learning development and instructional design work will take place once I have first discussed with my clients whether e-learning really is the right solution to their problem. I will not work with companies who produce e-learning as a cheap alternative to a human instructor. I do not want this to be part of my professional work history as I believe volume e-learning companies like this do more harm to our profession than good. I will avoid the memory-dump style of course. I will instead develop material which develops as many real-world transferable skills as I can possibly fit in. In short, I will support, implement and regularly review the principles of the E-learning Manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 9/8/2014

Bob Jarman
I endorse the manifesto. Upon reading the manifesto I accept its rationale.
Tin Duong
Fred IT Group
I will make every attempt to adhere to the concepts and ideals of this manifesto
Priyam Chandiramani
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd
I completely agree with and support the Serious eLearning Manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 9/5/2014

P. Devon Schall
The Serious eLearning Manifesto provides solutions for dramatically altering the direction of failed eLearning models currently being practiced.
Ima Ebong
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
I whole heartedly endorse this manifesto.
Ruth Watson
Fred IT Group
Fantastic principles! Bring on quality, engaging and exceptional eLearning!!

Manifesto Signatories 9/3/2014

Melissa Milloway
I endorse the Serious ELearning Manifesto!
Michelle Schnob
It is about time the T&D industry had this conversation. The manifesto has opened my eyes and shifted my views on what makes an eLearning program effective. All too often I find myself having a conversation about branding, or content, when we should be discussing engagement and objectives. Thank you.

Manifesto Signatories 9/2/2014

Robert Thomas
KnowledgeWalk LLC
Finally… a spirited proclamation to rally the troops against the armies of e-Learning enemies (we have met the enemy and it is us); hell-bent on lulling our human capital into hordes of mind-numbed zombies: ineffective and disengaged to the point of mediocrity… perish the thought O Brothers and Sisters!! Rise up and take a stand! RISE UP I SAY!!!
Nicole Sorbello
Fred IT Group
As someone who has worked in the eLearning space for many years, I endorse the principles of the Serious eLearning Manifesto and look forward to the ongoing positive influence it will have on the entire industry.
Cristy Imrie
Fred IT Group
Great principle! Ensures the best possible experience for the learner.
Melissa Grasso
Fred IT Group
These principles reflect what we are trying to achieve with our eLearning strategy.
Fred IT Group
I support and endorse the Serious eLearning Manifiesto.
Peter Condon
The Online Learning Development Company
I will support any proposal that will improve the quality of e-learning; for our learners, in their world. I work to improve our understanding of what quality is in e-learning, its application and review, together with how we might improve quality for our learners. The Serious e-Learning Manifesto encompasses much that is important to our learners and therefore to me. As such I will support and encourage it in its mission. The ideas of self-reflection and development encompassed in this proposal are vital to our profession. I look forward to seeing more people not just signing this manifesto but taking action based upon its content. I will do my best to do the same.
