The ways to effect change through powerful training are codified in this manifesto! Spread the word… | |
I formally endorse this Serious eLearning Manifesto! | |
I personally endorse this, not on behalf of my organization, but as a student and parent. |
The ways to effect change through powerful training are codified in this manifesto! Spread the word… | |
I formally endorse this Serious eLearning Manifesto! | |
I personally endorse this, not on behalf of my organization, but as a student and parent. |
I endorse the manifesto | |
There’s something inspiring about a public declaration of our intentions and motives for our current and future actions concerning eLearning and the journey. I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and its guiding principles. | |
People’s learning habits and channels of learning over the past decade have changed and technology has caused this shift. To be aligned with this change, we in the E-learning industry need to re-invent and provide innovative solutions supporting this shift in behavior. I fully support the manifesto! |
I support the manifesto! | |
I agree and support this Serious eLearning Manifesto. | |
Down with boringness! Up with performance-based training that’s meaningful to the learner and provides realistic practice and focuses on root cause for long-term impact! The revolution will not be templatized! | |
I am a elearning instructional designer in korea. I totally agree and endorse this manifesto! |
A commitment to good e-learning and good use of e-learning is so important to our success and credibility as learning professionals. We need to be focused on performance — helping people do their jobs better to they and their employers are more successful — and on learners. It’s not about making our jobs as instructional designers or instructors easier. It’s about making learners more successful. And sometimes that doesn’t include formal training. That’s OK. When is use our training tools well everyone benefits. | |
Great guiding framework. I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. | |
I support this manifesto for eLearning AND traditional classroom learning! | |
Hear Hear! |
Learning is a path that makes us better people and better professionals. Therefore, it should be meaningful, focused on the learners, and on what helps them achieve a better performance. Unfortunately, most learning experiences are far from it, and this is why we need to change. This is why we need to hold true to the principles of this manifesto! | |
I enthusiastically endorse this initiative. | |
I am a prouder supporter and adopter of the Serious eLearning Manifesto |
This is a wonderful guide to inspire us to make elearning (and all learning) more effective and enjoyable. | |
I endorse this Manifesto. | |
I fully endorse this manifesto. I think it’s imperative that we (as an industry) adopt far higher standards for e-learning because the word has already begun to produce a shudder in the learner audience. | |
It is past time for a change in the way we implement learning. Let’s start with eLearning, get SERIOUS, and see what happens. | |
As experienced learner and amateur teacher I fully support the manifesto principles. We are all responsible to create a new and better model of education, on line or face to face. And I sincerely believe we are already doing it! | |
Not only does iterative Serious eLearning perform, but eLearning Design transforms as well. |
I have been developing e-learning (in the various forms) for over 14 years and am quite aware a change is required. I fully endorse the manifesto! | |
I fully support the eLearning manifesto. It is important to ensure that the learning we provide is performance focussed, and is resulting in an effective and efficient life long learning experience. | |
The Serious eLearning Manifesto…helping IDs guide SMEs and their love of “text-and-next training to engaging and relevant experiences since 2014. Happy to be on board. | |
“Those who can Teach. Those who cant work.” I said That. Those who can: conceive, design, Implement, Maintain & re-evaluate “e-L.e.a.r.n.i.n.g.” aka, “engaging Learning environments actuating responsive neural Information networks, globally. (hey I just made That up.) ** [I am just starting classes in ID, I got everything yet to Learn. Thank You so much for your efforts, Randy] | |
I endorsed the Serious eLearning Manifesto. |
As eLearning grows, it’s important to make sure that learning is at the centre of it, not the gimmick of it being online. I support the eLearning manifesto. | |
I endorsed the eLearning manifesto wholeheartedly! | |
To paraphrase the words of the late, great Maya Angelou,"If you get, give; If you learn, teach." I can’t think of a better way to honor her mind and spirit by endorsing this elearning manifesto. | |
I support the need for e-learning standards and believe that the implementation of such will help practitioners, stakeholders, and consumers of e-learning better understand its potential to impact performance. |