Monthly Archives: January 2015

Manifesto Signatories 1/30/2015

Suzi Eley
Fred IT
I believe in the manifesto and will do my upmost to uphold the standards in my organisation.
Yin Carichini
I endorse this manifesto
Kimberly Cofrancesco
I will seriously endorse this manifesto! I had the pleasure of hearing Michael, Julie and Clark talk about it at ATD ICE 2014, and I’ve been a cheerleader for it ever since. This endorsement just makes it official!
Aina G. Irbe
e-learning specialist
I wholeheartedly endorse this manifesto – we would not be doing our jobs if we didn’t keep striving to improve and innovate in our field!

Manifesto Signatories 1/26/2015

Karina Campbell
I endorse this manifesto!
Matthew Dearmon
Elite Continuing Education University
I heartily agree with the spirit and letter of the Serious eLearning Manifesto. We must continue to push the evolution of our collective pedagogy, curricula, media, and networks to help ensure the relevance and success of eLearning in a world that needs more and better access to all forms of education and training.

Manifesto Signatories 1/20/2015

Jeff Salin
D2L Creative Services
I full support a greater focus to performance based learning which respects and focuses efforts on application. Down with boring page turning eLearning!
Janet Gregory
Compass Performance Solutions, Inc.
I whole-heartedly endorse the eLearning Manifesto. I will incorporate these 22 principles into the framework I follow when presented with learning requests and will encourage others to do the same. Thank you for moving us toward better elearning!
Anil Ladslaus D Souza
I endorse this Manifesto and agree with the 22 Principles listed.
Marsi Miller
Paradyme Management
Yes, I endorse the manifesto! Bravo to the instigators. A few thoughts, none of which obviate my endorsement: – The word "manifest" makes me queasy. Hints of dogma. – Substantively, re. principle 21: it strikes me that the work of psychologist Robert Bjork and colleagues is relevant here. Particularly their finding that making mistakes when the stakes are low, then self-correcting, helps people learn (if I’m interpreting the research correctly). If true, perhaps that would mean that principle 21 would be more than an option, it’s necessary. We know that organizations go on and on about failure being a good thing. In my experience, they don’t mean it. That’s why if the research shows low risk failure is a good thing, it might help make this principle palatable to executives.
James D. Ehinger
Cornerstone Information Systems
I applaud the creators of this Manifesto and will be applying its principles to our training and course development.
Yongcheng Gan
I fully endorse this Manifesto. We should take the challenges and actions to make eLearning meaningful, memorable, and engaging for learner experiences. Let’s get serious!

Manifesto Signatories 1/12/2015

Mark Cairns
I fully endorse these eXperiences. Let’s get serious!
Sharon Council
The Pantry, Inc.
I endorse the 22 Supporting Principles of serious e-learning. As Senior Curriculum Designer, I will share these guiding principles with our team.
Marius Lubbe
Cyber-Minds (PTY) Ltd Trading as Creative Minds Computer Training
This manifesto advances us towards a more human centred approach with technology, in a technologically centred world.

Manifesto Signatories 1/5/2015

Sharon Tavera
Yes, I endorse and fully back this Manifesto!
Kevin Mehnert
I subscribe to and embrace the challenge of realizing the values and characteristics of serious eLearning.
Amy Bowser-Rollins
Litigation Support Guru
I will absolutely endorse and promote this manifesto. I work in an industry (legal) that is slow to change in terms of embracing technology. Add to that the negative perceptions about eLearning training in general and I have my work cut out for me. I love that you guys have come together to try and turn eLearning on its head. I feel lucky that I am both the SME and the eLearning designer.
