I commit to promoting and incorporating the values and characteristics of Serious eLearning in all my work and my work with my clients. It is my goal to motivate more L&D professionals to take on the challenge of change. |
I commit to promoting and incorporating the values and characteristics of Serious eLearning in all my work and my work with my clients. It is my goal to motivate more L&D professionals to take on the challenge of change. |
I fully endorse the ideas in this manifesto and will apply them to my training and online college teaching, as I am able! I certainly am willing. đŸ™‚ | |
I support serious eLearning and endorsing the eLearning Manifesto. You inspired me to inspire others! | |
I support this manifesto and will try and live up to it’s principles. |
I hereby endorse to the manifesto of serious eLearning. I strongly recommend everybody who is in any way in touch with eLearning to follow and implement the rules of the manifesto. | |
I’m so excited for this. Committed to this for all solutions we develop for clients. It’s going to make a difference to our learners. |
I Endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto | |
I endorse the serious eLearning Manifesto! | |
I endorse this manifesto and will push for its principles to be adopted. | |
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto from the bottom of my heart. I fully commit to do my very best to elevate elearning to the height of its promise and following the standards as outlined in the manifesto. | |
I hereby endorse the listed Manifesto in order to develop content with a purpose that motivates, engage, transform learners and achieve business performance. |