Monthly Archives: September 2016

Manifesto Signatories 9/27/2016

Jon Maybrook
RedTech Media
I am proud to endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. This set of standards defines the future of eLearning.

Manifesto Signatories 9/22/2016

Dorothy Dowling
Leoglen Training Services
I fully endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and promise to abide by it in my eLearning design and development. Thank you for composing and releasing this fantastic document.

Manifesto Signatories 9/13/2016

Steve Wilhite
Capital Group
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 9/12/2016

Carlos Maldonado
Connect For Education, Inc.
We are proud to become signatories of this timely manifesto for the eLearning community. Thanks to Clark, Julie, Michael, Christopher, Will, and everyone else that made this important document a reality.
Maria Cristina Alcuaz
Escuela Superior de ComunicaciĆ³n y Marketing de Granada
Deseo suscribir el Manifiesto
