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Manifesto Signatories 9/13/2018

Anuj Kulkarni
Because I believe in learning with purpose

Manifesto Signatories 9/6/2018

Julie Warwick
I fully endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.
Matt Carrino
eLearning should serve a purpose and should benefit the learner’s performance, plain and simple. These are great principles to always keep in mind.
Helma van den Berg
Let’s Learn!
as developer and designer of e- and microlearning I endorse the eLearning Manifesto! Hope many more developers will do!
Guy Schepers
I am a pioneer in permanent and lifelong education and training for anyone who has to take professional decisions with legal consequences.
Penta Learning
En nuestro centro de formación estamos a la última, creemos en la tecnología y nuestro equipo de profesionales consiguen que esto quede latente en nuestro campus y nuestra metodología de aprendizaje creando así el mejor UX. Somos pioneres en la formación eLearning para poder plasmar todas las capacidades de nuestro equipo a las manos de todos nuestros alumnos. Somos parte de la formación 4.0 y abrimos las puertas de nuestro campus único en el mundo a todas aquellas personas, empresas, sectores… que deseen llegar a un mejor futuro profesional con la calidad que precisa casa sector. Una formación personalizada para cada necesidad es el motor que mueve a todos nuestros profesionales.
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto
Todd Bennethum
Sadly so much of what passes as eLearning these days is the result of professionals being unaware of certain elements of their trade and craft. I hope that more professionals take this more seriously; by becoming a signatory, I am doing my small part to advance the knowledge and craft by pledging to be more aware and help others to do so as well.
Emma Santa
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto and all of the principles described herein.

Manifesto Signatories 8/2/2018

Richard M. Obertots
ThinkThroughTools, LLC
Individuals are counting on us to provide know-how, skills and inspiration to perform their duties – which often times are of high criticality and high consequences. I support the Serious eLearning Manifesto in the spirit that we must assure the highest probability of positive outcomes – especially for those on the front lines of high-reliability organizations.
René-Pierre Bondu
Universidad Cenfotec
En Universidad Cenfotec creemos que, si bien la utilización de tecnología no implica necesariamente un mejor aprendizaje, su utilización efectiva si permite mejorar significativamente la experiencia de nuestros estudiantes y apoyar de diferentes formas su proceso de adquisición de nuevas competencias. Como parte de las innovaciones que pueden ser aplicadas de forma más efectiva para lograr un mayor impacto educativo, consideramos que el eLearning puede redefinir los procesos tradicionales de enseñanza y nos comprometemos a evaluar activamente nuestros esfuerzos educativos para proponer nuevas soluciones y elevar continuamente nuestros estándares. Conscientes de que la nueva economía requiere competencias inmediatamente aplicables, enlazaremos el aprendizaje a los objetivos de nuestros alumnos y de las organizaciones, ayudándoles a alcanzar la excelencia en su ejercicio, habilitándoles en la mejora de sus destrezas, su confianza y su disposición a desempeñarse. Proveeremos de prácticas suficientes, todo dentro de un contexto realista que les permita tomar decisiones, con ejemplos y contraejemplos ricos y con pensamiento subyacente. Les daremos guía y realimentación para corregir conceptos erróneos, con consecuencias lo más reales posibles, a fin de reforzar su comprensión y desarrollar habilidades de desempeño eficaces, fomentando el aprendizaje a partir de los errores. Analizaremos proactivamente qué factores, aparte de la capacitación, deben atacarse para producir beneficios para ellos, mismo proceso que aplicaremos ante peticiones de enseñanza. Les proveeremos el apoyo necesario, posterior a su proceso de aprendizaje, mediante actividades continuas que refuercen y actualicen sus conocimientos. Por tanto, nos adscribimos al Serious eLearning Manifiesto con el compromiso mayor de beneficiar a nuestros estudiantes, siempre bajo un marco de respeto y excelencia. René-Pierre Bondu Rector Universidad Cenfotec San José, Costa Rica
Jan Bourne
I endorse the e-learning manifesto

Manifesto Signatories 7/5/2018

Jane Mehta
I endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto. Through my own work in developing eLearning experiences and helping others do the same, I am painstakingly aware of the acute need to raise the bar. Continuous improvement is part of our work and it’s never too late to make something better. I approach my work with integrity, vision, as well as the technical skills to create uniquely valuable eLearning experiences. I remain committed to being relevant and successful in my role which means when I am developing eLearning experiences they ultimately must to be valuable for the learner. The Serious eLearning Manifesto does an exceptional job of documenting the professional standards of our work. I encourage anyone who is involved with developing eLearning experiences to consciously endorse and adopt this manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 5/30/2018

Saif Altalib
I, Learning Experience Designer, fully support designing learning solutions which connect with developing specific behavior gaps. The learning solutions focus on building the necessary skills or decision-making capabilities of the learner, and not just knowledge recitation with minimal retention.
Juan Pablo Prado Otero
I endorse this manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 5/15/2018

Herman Pierson
PACE Enterprises, Inc.
The approach put forth in the eLearning Manifesto is critical for the future development of eLearning. The various products that are intended to provide learners with effective, engaging learning environments mean little if there is no resulting impact on performance outcomes.
Dianne Hope
The Knowledge Project
I fully and wholeheartedly endorse the Serious eLearning Manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 5/8/2018

Lic. José A. Peralta
Centros Tecnológicos Comunitarios
We are working to have the best virtual teaching system innovating every day and applying the best practices. Lic Claudio Doñé Estamos trabajando para tener el mejor sistema de enseñanza virtual innovando cada día y aplicando las mejores prácticas. Lic Claudio Doñé
Yonier Alexander Renteria Sachez

Manifesto Signatories 5/1/2018

Jaldert Maat
Fujitsu Technology Solutions
I endorse the manifesto for Serious eLearning. As our places of work and life are changing, we need to change how we prepare ourselves to handle them. With all our technology and insights in Human behavior, we must be able to achieve more – and want more.
Yolanda Beckers
Universal Hospital Services
I endorse this manifesto.

Manifesto Signatories 4/24/2018

Brenda MacLaren
Blazing Moon Corporate Training (Pty) Ltd.
I fully endorse the intent of this manifesto and the principles documented.
Ron L.Shamwell
Community College of Philadelphia and Collegefairmagazine
As an IDer who uses smart learning tools among other tool sets, I endorse the eLearning Manifesto and place it as well in my toolbox.

Manifesto Signatories 4/23/2018

Bea Stephan
First Agile, now eLearning, I endorse the quest for quality and innovation. Making learning serious but fun!
